This false door came from the tomb chapel of Irty-Ptah. He was a priest of Ptah and a Scribe of Divine Offering in the Temple of Ptah at Memphis. On the central panel, the deceased is shown seated before a table of offerings. The text is a standard funerary inscription invoking the funerary gods Osiris and Anubis. The inscriptions also list the name and titles of the deceased. In both lower corners, Irty-Ptah is shown with a walking staff and a scepter of authority. The Egyptians believed that the ka (or life force) of the individual could magically pass through this doorway and partake of food offerings left in front of it.
[Book] Horne, Lee C. 1985. Introduction to the Collections of The University Museum.. Philadelphia. The University Museum. Actual Citation : Page/Fig./Plate: 19/4
[Catalogue, Collection] 1965. Guide to the Collections, The University Museum.. Philadelphia. The University Museum. pg. 1-167 Actual Citation : Page/Fig./Plate: p. 30
[Book] Moss, Rosalind L., and Porter, Bertha. 1964. The Theban Necropolis Vol II.. Clarendon Press. Vol. II. Part 2. Actual Citation : Page/Fig./Plate: 746
[Article] Fischer, Henry G. 1964. "A Group of Sixth Dynasty Titles Relating to Ptah and Sokar". Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. Vol. 3. pg. 25-29 Actual Citation : Page/Fig./Plate: 25-29, pl. XV