Stone head of a bodhisattva made of light colored stone with traces of red and light green pigment. This head would have originally been part of a colossal statue. The urna, represented by a round socket, would have originally contained some kind of precious stone or crystal sphere. The hair is smooth and parted in the middle. The crown has three peaks with a fillet around the base of the ushnisha. C353 and C354 are a pair from the North Cave of Northern Xiangtangshan.
[Catalogue] Tsiang, Katherine R. 2010. Echoes of the past : the Buddhist cave temples of Xiangtangshan.. Chicago. The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago. Actual Citation : Page/Fig./Plate: pg.156-7; pg. 166-7 cat. 4; pg. 237 fig.4