I, Jumper. Naked youth advancing to right, left arm outstretched in front of him. On the ground between his legs a pair of halteres. Behind him at the left is part of a couch (?) or chest (?). Exterior undecorated. Minor sections and fragments of lip and wall missing and restored in plaster. Also part of tondo restored in plaster.
[Book] Paolucci, Giulio. 2014. Archeologica romantica in Etruria: Gli scavi di Alessandro François e Adolphe Noël des Vergers.. Rome. Edizioni Quasar. Actual Citation : Page/Fig./Plate: pp. 115-116
[Catalogue, Auction] 1897. The Robert H. Coleman Collection of Archaeological Objects. Catalogue.. Philadelphia. Davis and Harvey's Gallery. : Page/Fig./Plate: p. 40, no. 221