These are two of the Vulci aristocrat's three bronze belts. One is of an old-fashioned lozenge shape. It would have been originally fastened to a broad leather backing and have looked rather like a modern weightlifting belt. This is fine ropousse decoration on both belts: geometric patterns of bosses and lines are supplemented with images of sundisks and rays, horses, and dancing men. Vulci, 42F
[Catalogue, Exhibition] Turfa, Jean M. 2005. Catalogue of the Etruscan Gallery of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Actual Citation : Page/Fig./Plate: pp. 100-101, no. 30
[Book] Hall Dohan, Edith H. 1942. Italic Tomb-Groups in the University Museum.. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania Press. Actual Citation : Page/Fig./Plate: p. 95, no. 25, fig. 64, pl. L